How Many Pups Does a Yorkie Have? The Truth About Yorkie Litters

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds. Its popularity is due to its small size, manageable temperament and cheerful gait. In this article, I will answer the question of How Many Pups Does a Yorkie Have? along with other helpful answers to some questions often asked by potential Yorkie owners.

What to look for in a Yorkie puppy

If you are considering a Yorkie as a pet, you should always make sure to talk to the breeder first. If possible, be upfront with the breeder about any health concerns you might have as this should be your main concern should you choose to purchase a Yorkie puppy.

What is the average size of a litter?

According to a study by the American Kennel Club, the average litter size for Yorkshire terriers is 3 puppies but often ranges from 2 to 5 puppies.

What factors can affect litter size?

Newborn pups will weigh up to 3 pounds. Most pups will also be very small (under 1 pound), however. The other factors contributing to the size of the pups are: The size of the pups is greatly affected by the size of their mother.

The pups will be just large enough to feed from her mammary glands. If the mammary glands are not large enough, the pups may have trouble finding a nipple to latch on. If the mother’s mammary glands are too small, the pups may die.

The mother’s size also influences the size of the pups. A larger dog is more likely to carry many pups.

How do Yorkies usually give birth?

How do Yorkies usually give birth

The average time a Yorkie takes to deliver puppies is 63 days. However, it’s normal for the dog to take anywhere from 58 to 68 days.

Pups are typically born while the mother is resting and the pups are in a relaxed state. The mother will lick her babies clean and they will then start nursing.

What are the risks of a large litter?

Pups can experience a variety of health complications.  Below are some of the risks associated with a large litter:

Poor or no nutritional development: This can lead to potential respiratory problems, developmental delays, and impaired immune system development.

Dehydration: The dogs will have lower energy levels, and a lack of physical activity can also be a concern for a female dog.

Internal hemorrhaging: Some pups will have some degree of internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening.

Eclampsia: This is a condition that occurs in some female dogs where high blood pressure and low urine output cause blood to pool in their abdomens and can lead to heart failure.

Intestinal dysmotility: This is when the dogs can’t efficiently move their bowels or change their diaper. This is very common in puppies.


amount of pups in a litter

There is no set amount of pups in a litter. Dogs of all shapes and sizes can be born to a mother, though not all are able to produce a litter. A good estimate is to aim for 2-4 puppies per litter. Yorkie litters tend to have less than half of the number of puppies, compared to other breeds of dogs. The difference in the litter size can be due to a number of factors.